Make a Bed campaign goal image

When a resident enters our program, the first thing we teach them is to be responsible for the task, “Make A Bed.” We believe that chaos around you can produce chaos in you. 

The cost for us to provide a bed to a resident is $32 per day. We receive, on average, $18 a day through state funding which leaves a deficit of $14 per day for us to provide a bed to a resident at no cost to them.

Today, we want to ask you to partner with Recovery Point West Virginia by “Making A Bed.” Because we surely can’t do this without you.

Donation Amount Information

$14 Make A Bed for one day. You will receive a letter from one of our residents every twelve months.

$98 Make A Bed for one week. You will receive a letter from a resident in one of our four facilities every 3-months to stay connected with those sleeping in a bed that you helped make.

$425 Make A Bed for each month. You will receive a plaque on a bed with your name or in memory of a loved one for as long as you continue to partner. You will also receive a monthly letter from the resident who sleeps in that bed.